why do i want to blog again? well because i want to keep a journal of how we're going to go about preparing for trisha's first birthday. so much for this excitement for oct 27 (official birthday on oct 26, but because this falls on a Friday, we are going to celebrate on the 27th) ok now going back to my original train of thought, so much for this excitement, we forgot about her 11th month bday yesterday. as MS (My Sherwin) said in his blog, we're bad parents. but then again, not! or maybe, in a way, yes. but, today, we got her a cake, one last one before we get her a big real birthday cake next month. i got ms polly's sansrival. we're hoping it's as good as her chocolate cake, which we get at shell magallanes. i will let you guys know how the sansrival is.
there now, we celebrate her birth day each month. sometimes the photo ops are a bit late because she is either sleeping on the day itself or we haven't decided where to get her cake yet. but we do make it a point to take pictures with a cake every month. maybe someday, i'll post pictures here. then trisha can see and read this blog someday.
im so excited about my daughter's first birthday party! we have not finalized anything yet, except for the venue. we're going to taste test our potential caterers this weekend. we're now left with two options, we will let you know which one we choose after this weekend. oh and yes, i will also blog about the preparations we're making so i could help other moms who are in the same boat as i am. it's really difficult to prepare for a party that we will all remember.
.... sleepy now. really tired from work, been coming home late from work the past 2 weeks, been also in the office for 2 straight saturdays. this saturday? not! will be going to work early tomorrow to finish everything to meet my deadliest deadline for my deliverables...
night night...

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