2. Who made u smile today? Trisha :).
3. What were u doing this morning at 8am? Already at the office, most probably setting up for the day's work.
4. What were u doing 15 minutes ago? Surfing, finishing up my downloads for tonight.
5. Something that happened to u in 1985? Nothing signifant that I recall.
6. Worst thing currently on television: Bush fires in Australia.
7. How many different beverages have you drank today? 2 - Coffee & Minute Maid Pulpy.
8. What is your favorite part of the day? 5pm, when I wrap up work and get ready to go home to my daughter.
9. Your current To-do list? Finish my project timeline, project contract & weekly notes for a Thursday meeting. Download tons of stuff I need.
10. Any plans for tomorrow night? None.

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