today is a quiet day for us, well for me and trisha at least. MS went to have lunch at his parents' house and our "ate" went out for her day-off. so it's just me and trisha this afternoon. she is now taking her nap while i write this blog. i am hoping that we could still take trisha to bonifacio high street for a walk and to see the dogs. she has been crazy about dogs for a few weeks now. her new favorite work is "gog" which really means "dog" :D.
i will post some pictures later, i want to share a picture of our loot bag, which i designed personally for my daughter's 1st birthday. good thing my mom was able to find somebody to sew it for me and cai was able to find a shop to silk-screen print it (all in about 4 days all the way in baguio!). it turned out very nice and a lot of people are asking for one.
this is it for now, i will be back later with the pictures.

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