Anyway, this Christmas is one of my happiest Christmas :). I have always loved the holiday season, but with Trisha around, my Christmas became more special, more meaningful. I know my daughter feels the love around her, her Lola (Mama Lou as she wants to be called) loves her dearly, so as her Tita MAL, Tita MAC and Tito MAA. And she holds a special place in the heart of her dad's family too. And of course, I feel that nothing compares to the love her dad and I feel for her. We just love her so very much :).
She has grown so fast in the past year. I don't regret missing out on gimiks since I had her. I am happier spending each night with her, playing until she's ready for her sleep and dancing her to sleep when she gets tired from playing. Though, I sometimes complain about not getting enough sleep because of her feeding time :), I don't really mind waking up during the night to feed her. I know it won't be long when she'll stop feeding from her bottle and I know I will miss her dependency on me on that area.
I am looking forward to next Christmas when Trisha would be more excited to open her gifts. I just feel a little bit of sadness thinking about Cai graduating and eventually pursuing her career out of the country, then it would just be Mom and Adrian here in Baguio. Good thing that Trisha's around, I know that her little presence helps my Mom overcome any sadness in her heart :). Christmases would be more special once MAC also leaves the country, we plan to make it a big reunion with MAC & MAL coming home to join us or all of us flying out to one location to spend our Christmas together.
Again, a belated Merry Christmas to all and a Blessed New Year.